Drama & Debating Club
Wellington Drama & Debate club aims to introduce drama and debate, audience and backstage decorum to our pupils. Students will have a thorough understanding about the different contributions that actors, audience, directors, writers, designers and technicians make to a dramatic event by practical activities.
Through our weekly training sessions, they will learn to use and control the elements of drama, particularly voice and the body in space. We strive to develop every drama club member to be confident speakers and skillful performing artists. Those with outstanding logical and critical thinking skills will be selected for debate training. There are several exposure opportunities for our club members to showcase their talent not only within the school but also at the national level.
Besides drama and debating skills, we encourage drama members to work as part of a team - acting and reacting to others. They learn to negotiate with others in a group and adapt to and accommodate other people’s ideas, identify and evaluate different choices that can be made in drama that lead groups to make different interpretations/representations of the same material.